project premise
Mr.Robot is a TV show on a dark dystopian future centering on a computer programmer character. I was assigned to develop an opening animated intro to this TV show for a design course.
Softwares Used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Audition, Adobe AfterEffects

visual design decisions
I decided to utilize the existing logo with dark lines and blood red features as an inspiration of the style of illustration I would create for the animation. I utilized Adobe Illustrator to illustrate simple red silhouette illustrations.
Music Decisions
I used dark sinister music that amplifies with time to match the mystery and thriller aspect of the show. I also used sound effects like glitching sounds and resounding footsteps to enhance the animations. I utilized Adobe Audition to edit some of the music.
Animation decisions
The animation displays glitching effects to evoke the idea that the main character is a hacker and that something sinister is at play. I also used motion design principles to develop smooth transitions from one illustration to another. I utilized Adobe AfterEffects for the animations.
final result
The final animation encompasses what the opening trailer of Mr.Robot would look like. I could improve on some details of the animation such as adding more movement in some parts. Otherwise the illustration style and music went well to give the general understanding of what the show will encompass.